
Wyatt Chambers on How To Grow Pest Control, The Importance Of Faith, and Lessons From Masterminds.

Danny Leibrandt

Sep 23, 2024

In a recent episode of my podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Wyatt Chambers, a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in the digital marketing industry. Wyatt started with his agency, CS Design Studios, and later transitioned into Swarm Pest Control Marketing, focusing exclusively on pest control businesses. In this post, I’ll share some of the key takeaways from our insightful conversation on the growth of pest control companies and what sets successful operators apart.

Danny Leibrandt and Wyatt Chambers
Danny Leibrandt and Wyatt Chambers
Danny Leibrandt and Wyatt Chambers

From UPS to Marketing: Wyatt’s Journey

Wyatt’s background is unique. He spent nearly a decade at UPS, where he was an e-commerce consultant working with Fortune 500 companies. His exposure to digital marketing and witnessing how younger entrepreneurs leveraged Google Ads to drive insane profits led him to pursue the field full-time. One memorable example was a printer cartridge company using serial numbers as keywords in Google Ads to dominate the market. This opened Wyatt's eyes to the potential of digital marketing, which fueled his passion for helping businesses grow.

The Importance of Growth Mindset in Pest Control

Wyatt emphasized the importance of a growth mindset in pest control business owners. Some operators are content running a single-truck operation, but those who desire growth need to adopt a mentality focused on constant improvement. It’s not just about adding more trucks but scaling the business strategically. His first piece of advice for pest control companies? Build a culture that strives for growth, which leads to long-term success.

Reputation is Key

Reputation is everything in the pest control space. Wyatt and I both agree that you can’t out-market a bad reputation. One of Wyatt’s clients, a $2 million home services company, was struggling with a 2.2-star rating on Google when he first met them. Wyatt pushed the owner to address their reputation, leading to a major turnaround in the company’s growth. Wyatt stresses that if a business has poor reviews, it’s crucial to fix that before investing in more marketing.

Building up positive reviews and maintaining a 5-star reputation is essential for any pest control business looking to grow. If a company has fewer than 100 reviews, Wyatt’s recommendation is simple: make it a race to 100 reviews. This is not only important for SEO but also for the psychological impact on potential customers. People tend to trust companies with more reviews, which leads to higher conversion rates.

Google Local Service Ads: A Must for Pest Control Companies

When asked about the best customer acquisition channels for pest control companies, Wyatt highlighted Google Local Service Ads (LSAs) as an absolute must. LSAs offer low-hanging fruit for pest control operators, especially those with a solid reputation. However, if a company has poor reviews, they may struggle to rank well on LSAs. That’s where reputation management comes in, as it directly impacts visibility and rankings on LSAs.

Wyatt also mentioned that pest control businesses should focus on their Google Business Profile (GBP). Reaching 100 reviews on your GBP can significantly boost your visibility and credibility. The combination of LSAs and a strong GBP can lead to steady growth.

Offline Marketing: Simple, Yet Effective

Although Wyatt’s expertise lies in digital marketing, he still values the impact of offline strategies. He emphasized the importance of vehicle wraps, calling them “moving billboards.” A well-designed wrap makes a huge difference in brand visibility, especially when driving through local neighborhoods.

Wyatt also shared simple yet effective offline marketing tactics, such as distributing branded frisbees, fly swatters, or pens at local parks and events. Additionally, he recommends placing yard signs at customer properties after services, offering incentives for customers to keep them up for a few weeks. This helps increase visibility within the neighborhood and builds local trust.

The Power of Community and Peer Groups

A major point in our conversation was the importance of community and peer groups. Wyatt shared his experience joining a mastermind group of successful CEOs, which helped him process business challenges in ways that solo problem-solving never could. Whether it’s the Vistage group or digital marketing-focused peer groups like Seven Figure Agency, being part of a community allows you to learn from others and bring valuable insights back to your business.


Wyatt’s journey and insights offer invaluable lessons for pest control business owners and marketers alike. From prioritizing reputation management and leveraging Google’s platforms to integrating offline strategies and joining peer groups, there are numerous ways to grow and sustain a pest control business. The key takeaway? Adopt a growth mindset and always seek ways to improve.

If you’re in the pest control industry and are looking to grow your business, connect with Wyatt Chambers on LinkedIn or visit Swarm Pest Control Marketing. For more insights on pest control marketing, stay tuned to the podcast and follow us for future episodes.